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Skin Tightening/Cellulite Reduction

Cosmetic Specialist & Aesthetician located in Midtown, New York, NY

Skin Tightening
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Skin Tightening/Cellulite Reduction services offered in Midtown, New York, NY

#1 advanced technology for the reduction of cellulite and tight circumference. Non-invasive, quick with little to no downtime.

-Over 10 million treatments performed.
-15 years of proven clinical outcomes.
-97% patient satisfaction rate.

Skin Tightening/Cellulite Reduction Q&A

How does VelaShape III work?
VelaShape III is a non-invasive medical device that uses a combination of technologies to reduce the appearance of cellulite and contour the body. The treatment combines radiofrequency (RF) energy, infrared (IR) light, and vacuum and mechanical massage to target and heat fat cells in the treated area.

Here's a breakdown of how each technology works:
1. Radiofrequency energy delivers energy to the treatment area, heating the deep layers of the skin and fat. The heat causes the fat cells to shrink and encourages collagen production, which can help to tighten the skin.
2. Infrared light penetrates the skin's surface, helping to increase blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. This can reduce the appearance of cellulite and improve skin texture.
3. Vacuum and mechanical massage helps to smooth out the skin's surface and increase circulation, allowing the RF and IR energy to penetrate deeper into the skin.

VelaShape III treatment areas:
● Arms
● Thighs
● Buttocks
● Flank
● Abdomen
Skin Tightening
How much does VelaShape treatment cost?
Treatment pricing at Beauty Planet Laser Aesthetic Center can vary depending on the location of the area being treated and how many sessions would be required. Pricing is discussed upon a Free consultation with the treatment provider. Call (646) 368-1199 to book a Free consultation.
During your consultation, the board-certified esthetician will first analyze your skin type in order to design the best suited treatment program. The number of sessions would also be determined as per your skin and problem type.
NOTE: Individual results vary from patient to patient.

VelaShape III side effects and risks:
It's important to note that VelaShape III is a non-invasive treatment with a low risk of complications.Here are some of the most common ones:
1. Some people may experience mild redness, swelling, or itching in the treated area. These side effects usually subside within a few hours after treatment.
2. The vacuum and massage action of VelaShape III can sometimes cause bruising in the treated area. This usually resolves within a few days.
3. Some people may experience temporary numbness in the treated area, which typically goes away within a few hours.